Mobile massage service deep tissue massage fullbody massage
John Byrne "Shaba"

Ich habe als Akupunkturarzt in Florida (USA) gearbeitet und biete nun Ganzheitliche Körperarbeit und Massagen in Berlin an. Ich verfüge über 20 Jahre Erfahrungen in klinischer Praxis und habe in Integrativen Gesundheitskliniken zusammen mit Ärzten, Chiropraktikern, Naturheilkundlern, Akupunkteuren, Physiotherapeuten als auch in eigener Praxis gearbeitet. Meine Muttersprache ist Englisch und ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch. (mehr weiter unten)

I have been an Acupuncture Physician in Florida US and now offer Holistic Bodywork treatments here in Berlin. I have 20 years of experience in clinical practice and have worked in Integrative Health Clinics alongside Chiropractors, Naturopathic Physicians, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, and Medical Doctors, as well as in my own private practice. My native language is English, and I also speak some German.

Get to know Shaba

When did you find out that you want to be a massage therapist?

I was in my mid 20 ’s when I focused on becoming a healer for my main profession. I was already doing meditation and yoga practices and studying psychology. I really wanted to learn more about traditional Chinese Medicine. I was fascinated with that, because it is the oldest and most sophisticated original medicine that we have, working with the energy. From there I chose to specialize in massage. It was important for me to find out a profession that felt very good for me ethicly. I found out in some other kind of work I tried to do I had to compromise. In being a therapist I felt it was very clean relationship to people.

What kind of training have you received?

I did the massage certification course at Bhakti Academy by Tamper (Florida). There I learned a style of massage that is similar to Esellen massage, with long flowing strokes. That is a kind of energy massage. At the same time I wrote in the acupuncture school for the next. Then I went to Florida College of Integrated health in Orlando. I went on to further study traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbalogy, Acupuncture, Qui Gong and Tui-Na.

Where did you work in Florida?

For several years I was working for different doctors and medical groups working in a team with health professionals like a physiotherapist, cardio-practitioner, medical doctors in medical groups. I would do massage and Acupuncture and Adjunctive Therapies. Besides I was seeing private clients. I also worked in a Spa with people who were coming in for an hour relaxation massage. And I did office massages, going to offices giving short massages to employees.

2002 I opened a practice in Gainsville with my partner Dr. Leoni. 2005 – 2008 I worked additionally as adjunct professor at the local Acupuncture School Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine.

Who has influenced you in developing your unique approach?

I have had different mentoring opportunities and trainings. In participating in men’s groups and mentorship with Dr. Eric Diamon (2007 - 2010) I learned leadership skills and working as a facilitator as well as Bioenergetic technics. From 2008 – 2009 Dr. Robert Glasur - founder of the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analyses (FSBA) – mentored me in working one-on-one client consultation. In the same year I participated in the Transformative Coaching Training and several Conscious Relationships workshops with Satvatov Institute to be able to work more holistically with my clients. I also completed Clinical Hypnotherapy on Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy.

As a practitioner in Florida I was doing trainings every year as part of my license: Miofacial Release, Trigger Point and adjunctive therapies - staying up to date with new trainings every year for 14 years.

What is your approach working with people?

I see the whole person. What can be causing the problems that patients are having? For example people come in, having been in an accident or are suffering from chronic pain or with ache, back aches, hip pain. I look deeper. What is going on in their life? Are they having problems in relationships or are they having problems at work or are they not getting enough sleep? How is their posture, the way they are sitting sleeping or walking? Depending on the client's desires and wishes sessions are customized. For every problem, I look at multiple solutions and techniques. Does the client want to be active or passive? An active approach is with the breath and movement for the person. Having them breathe a certain way or holding a certain posture to assist me to go deeper in the session can make a longer lasting result. After practicing for so many years I really get the most satisfaction in giving people long term results and make a difference in their lives. Not just getting rid of the symptoms for a while. This holistic approach is what I am going for – long term results and change.

What would a treatment look like?

I am doing my diagnosis once I get my hands on you. Besides I am reading your body, your posture, your breathing. So looking at all these things I offer you a few simple exercises or meditation that you can do on your own at least one or two. You can follow up with them at least 5 or 10 min a day and see the results. After the first session I know more what I can do for you. According to your personal goal we set out a treatment plan how many times you come and in which intervals.

Usually I like to keep my treatment plans kind of short because you should really see results within a few times. You will feel better after the first treatment but after the third or fourth then you see more long term progress. The treatment plan can involve your own willingness to participate too. Whether you want to come in for an hour and get a session is fine. If you want to spend another 20 min learning a meditation and yoga then the treatment plan is different.

What were people saying at the end of the treatment?

Many people said that they can’t get this treatment anywhere else. They tried Medicine, they tried Physical Therapy they tried Chiropractic and they have to come to me because I am giving them this result. I am getting them out of pain so they can get out of the bed and do more and they are not in pain. So I am giving them that relief from their pain, which they had for many years and got results over time that nothing else was giving them. People who couldn’t get out of bed can now have a life and cook their own meal and get around.

Many people that I treated have gone on to become Massage Therapists themselves. The work with me made such an impact on their life on what it can do to help people that they were inspired to become a Massage Therapist.

Mein Werdegang

Ich habe mein Diplom in Massagetherapie, Bhakti Massage von der Bhakti Academy erhalten. Ich habe auch einen Master of Oriental Medicine vom Florida College of Oriental Medicine, wo ich traditionelle chinesische Medizin, Herbalogy, Akupunktur, Qui Gong und Tui-Na studierte. Ich erhielt eine zusätzliche Ausbildung am Bioenergetics Institute. Nach meinem Abschluss habe ich verschiedene Mentoring- und Trainingsmöglichkeiten, wie Metaphysik-Trainings und mehrere klinische Hypnotherapie-Schulungen in Gainsville am Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy, absolviert. Als Praktizierender in Florida habe ich im Rahmen meiner Karriere über 10 Jahre jährlich an neuen Schulungen teilgenommen, z. Biofacial Relief, Trigger Point sowie Adjunctive Therapies.

Nachdem ich einige Jahre in Integrated Health Clinics gearbeitet hatte, wo ich Massagen, Akupunktur- und Adjunktivtherapien anbot, eröffnete ich selbst eine Praxis in Gainsville, Florida, mit meinem Partner Dr. Leoni. In diesen Jahren arbeitete ich auch als außerordentlicher Professor an der örtlichen Akupunkturschule Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine.

Ich habe Erfahrung im Spa-Bereich, mit Menschen, die für eine Stunde Entspannungsmassage kamen. Außerdem habe ich Büromassagen für Angestellte in Unternehmen angeboten.

Um persönlich weiter zu wachsen, nahm ich an mehreren Schulungen zur Männerarbeit mit Mentoring bei Eric Diamon und der Gainsville-Männergruppe teil, bei denen wir auch Führungskräfteschulungen anboten. Ich gab Workshops in Coach Training und Conscious Relationships am Salvato Institute in Gainsville, Florida. Robert Glasur vom Bioenergetic Institute war mein Mentor.

Während meiner Karriere arbeitete ich überwiegend im medizinischen Bereich. Ich arbeitete mit Menschen, die einen Unfall hatten oder an chronischen Schmerzen litten als auch mit Versicherungskunden, mit den gleichen Problemen, z.B. Schmerzen, Rückenschmerzen, Hüftschmerzen usw. Viele Patienten hatten unterschiedliche Ansätze ausprobiert und erzielten keine guten Ergebnisse. Durch die Behandlung der gesamten Person, auch wenn dies aus Unfallgesichtspunkten geschieht, erzielten wir bessere Ergebnisse. Patienten, die über viele Jahre hinweg Behandlungen erhalten hatten und deren Gesundheitszustand sich nicht verbesserte, kamen in unsere Praxis, um einen alternativen ganzheitlichen Ansatz auszuprobieren - mit Erfolg.